Sunday, June 20, 2010

Meningitis Free and Time to Go Home

Adri had her blood work done and she does not have any evidence of meningitis which is great news! She will still be taking the steroids to help with any swelling or inflammation.

As many of you know my dad is a numbers guy, so we tasked him to count the staples and she has 28 staples! Ouch!

Adri will be headed home Monday, hopefully she will get discharged at around 11AM. She is making great improvements but just felt more comfortable taking one more night at the hospital.

The drive home is going to be a challenge with her vertigo. She feels like things are swaying and moving so the hour long drive with all that motion is going to be tough. Not too mention the bumpy roads! They are the worst in SF.

Once we get her home we will figure out how she wants visiting hours to work. She is anxious to see people and still trying to focus on her recovery.

Thanks for all the continued support- everyone has been truly amazing!


  1. Going home... Big excitement! Sounds like each day is better than the last. Love you, Adri!

  2. Congratulations Adri! Love you!

  3. Yay Adri!!! Excited to hear your heading home!! Xo

  4. The Rempits are thinking of you and are glad you're heading home!
    Love, Jason & Chrissy

  5. Heading home to your mom's chicken soup and a cozy bed - sounds like a great plan...take care, love-aunt M

  6. Adri I saw this today and thought of you since this is on your 101 list... PLEASE don't do it any time soon!! :)

    Congrats on heading home!!

  7. yipee on coming home!!!!!!!!!1


  8. Can the doctors give Adri something to put her to sleep for the ride home? Being asleep is great for preventing motion sickness.

    Adri, it's truly amazing how quickly you are recovering...the road has been difficult but I think it's down hill from here on. And there is no place like home to go to, especially after a hospital stay.

    Take care and see you soon.
    Susan & Bailey

  9. Hooray!!! So happy you get to come home today!! We love you. The McNeils

  10. Amazing that you are in such great spirits and recovering so quickly. You have an incredible and supportive family. So happy that you will be going home to finish your recovery and regain your strength. Thinking of you daily! Love, Gina McGrath

  11. Great news that you are coming home! If you have any special requests, here is your time to ask away! Love you lots and so many people are asking about you and happy to hear that you are on your road to recovery!!
    Emily and Jesse

  12. The Snows send their best congratulations on going home - only one correction - Orinda has THE worst roads in the country. But will pray for a good trip, nausea is terrible. Love you all of you.


  13. woohoo! i'm finally back to my computer and so glad to see that beautiful adri is heading home! can't wait to see those staples in person once you're tucked into casa hallenberger. smooth sailing homeward :) -darcy

  14. Great news, Adri! I'm looking forward to hearing about the visiting schedule and coming over there! (of course when you're ready to be hounded by excited friends :) ). xo, jess

  15. Congratulations on getting through the tough part Adri. Please take it easy while you're recovering. We love you so much, Weezie, Kramer, Katherine & John

  16. Keep kicking A$$ Adri girl!!!
