Wednesday, June 30, 2010


14 days plus "9 hours and 45 minutes" plus another 6 weeks = FULL RECOVERY

Adri is on the road to recovery, and I must say it is a very profound journey.

Along the way, our family has benefited more than we could have ever realized.
Our family has become even stronger and closer.
We have reconfirmed our amazing friendships with our lifelong friends.
We have reestablished bonds with people whom we met along life's journey.
We have renewed contacts with business associates of years past.
Individual friendships have extended to become family relationships.
We are cared for by the most amazing medical staff.
We are watched over by our Guardian Angels.
The uncanny "Six Degrees of Separation" theory has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
We have been introduced to people who have become instant friends, including others with acoustic neuromas and ICU nurses that we would not have met without this twist of fate.
And the list goes on...
These are the precious gifts of life to be cherished.

All because of an ice cream cone shaped tumor (the doctors description) lodged next to Adri’s brain. My son-in-law says he can't wait for Adri to tell her nephew-to-be about the summer Auntie Adri got an ice cream cone stuck in her head. Ahhhhhh, family stories!!!!

One never knows where life will lead, but Adri has shown us how to make the best of any situation that comes our way, the good and the not so good. She has demonstrated great spirit, defined courage, shown dignity in all actions, looked at the big picture and approached everything with a smile and a sense of humor. She makes us all proud. Lemons or Limoncello? Ask Adri, she knows the answer to that one!!

Who knew you could learn so much from your children?

Adri keeps saying, "I am so lucky". My family amazes me. Adri is wise beyond her years. Allison is determined and strong of heart. Lex is protective and steadfast. Molly and Mike are treasures. My husband is our pillar of strength. I feel as if I am the lucky one!

Every kindness sent to Adri is so greatly appreciated. Thank you. Life is good.


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post Marlene. Thank you for sharing... Have a wonderful time in the mountains and enjoy all the fresh air!
