Sunday, October 31, 2010

Less than 1%

I don't think anyone is checking this anymore but I had a great doctor's appointment last week and wanted to share. I had my four month baseline MRI and it was all good news. After another hour in the MRI machine and a great meeting with Dr. Harsh, we found out that .5% of the original tumor remains. Whoo hoo! The tumor is in two places: (1) there is some tumor plaque on the facial nerve, and (2) one of the forks of the tongue of tumor in my inner ear remains. Also, the fat dam is holding. I'll go back on my one year anniversary for an MRI, then again in two years, then three, then every five years for the rest of my life. Both pieces have a ten percent chance of growing again, and if so, it'll most likely be treated with radio-static-surgery. Otherwise, my other challenges (except for my hearing) *should* continue to improve with time. I have a clean bill of health! Amen.

Thanks to each of you for your help in getting me here. Lex, thanks for coming with me to the appointment...I was glad to have you there.

Now I can really say: BRAIN TUMOR - CHECK. DONE.


  1. I get the update! It comes thru my RSS feed. WHAT GOOD NEWS! Adri, I'm really glad for you, and really glad you are feeling better too.


  2. You have a lot of followers, so I think many will receive your update. Such amazingly great news! What a sigh of relief. Yay! Can't wait to see you soon!

  3. SUCH WONDERFUL NEWS! congrats:) It was fun seeing you last weekend by the way:) Love from the Branaghs

  4. Congrats Adri! I read your blog in google reader and am happy to hear your positive updates! Such great news on your clean bill of health :).
