Friday, June 18, 2010

Houston, we have lift off

This morning Adri got out of bed and walked down the hallway!!! She also managed to eat a little bit of food and is sitting in a chair. This is a huge improvement and we are so very happy for her. Dr. Harsh came in during lunch to see how she was doing and said that her progress is very "above average." Most patients after this surgery apparently aren't up until two to three more days later. Truly amazing. At this pace we think she **might** be able to check out Sunday or Monday. Adri said she would be up for reading the blog later today so please post!!!


  1. Adri!! SOooooo impressive!! Now lets just get some tennis balls for the bottom of your walker and we will be good to go!!
    P.S. You are amazing. Truely amazing. You are incredible and selfless and the most positive person in the world. Keep your chin up! The McCraws love love love you!!!

  2. Hooray - so like a Aries!! You can't be held down. It's incredible to impres the doctors.
    xo Dona and Steve

  3. Adri,

    Wonderful news and we hope you get to go home "ASAP". We have been keeping up with your progress and your sister and sister-in-law have been doing a great job with your "blog".

    We didn't know what a "blog" was until your operation and now feel like part of the "new generation!

    Love Ya,

    Aunt Carol & Uncle Tommy

  4. Adri -- We're so glad that you're recovering so quickly! Keep up the good work and you'll be home in no time. Looking forward to visiting you when you're back.

    - Craig And Julianne

  5. Woohoo, Such fantastic news, Adri! It just shows how powerful a positive attitude can be!! :) xoxo

  6. One word...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! is what Adri you are, Allison for all the wonderful posts and moment to moment updates, and the Hallenbergers for holding strong! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

    We are so excited about the good news and can't wait to hear more as each new day comes and goes. Adri, keep up the good work kiddo! We luv ya!

    Steph & Jay

  7. Awesome news. You go girl. Show them how it is done! However, I will continue to pray for your quick healing.

  8. Adri!!! We are thinking about you every second of the day. We all know you are above average and I'm glad your recovery progress is above average too! Keep up your positive outlook and know that there are lots of friends thinking about you!
    We love you tons!
    Molly, Pat and Baby Thad

  9. Adrianna- we have been following you so closely through the blog (thank you Hallenbergers for faithfully updating) and you are remarkable! It looks like you are chatting away with the nurse who is walking with you. :) I love you! Megan
    PS... yes, my tush went numb when I saw the close-up picture!

  10. Adri,
    You are SO amazing ~ look at you walking around already!! Wonderful news.
    We have been thinking about you and are sending you lots of love!!
    Lauren & Mark

  11. Adri, love here from the Kunoth's! It's awesome to hear things are going great. You've been on the heart of all of us down here, many prayers for you the last few days!

    We asked Grady to say "I love you aunt Adri".... but he said no. Don't take offense, it's a 2 year old thing.... We all know he really means yes. Just like how he says no to M&M's sometimes.

    We are all thinking about you and hope the recovery is quick and your back on your feet in no time.


    Kurt, Laura, Grady, Wyatt (brutis)
