Thursday, August 5, 2010

Seven Weeks and One Day

I ran today!!

Besides humbling, the road of recovery is waking up every morning and reintroducing your self to your body.
Self: Good morning body, how ya' feeling today?
Body: Okay, but my neck is real stiff from the incision and my left eye is numb.
Self: No worries, we’ll take it easy today.

But today it went something like this…
Self: Good morning body, how ya' feeling today?
Body: Alright. Tired from the tinnitus.
Self: Hmm, I have an idea. I think it's time we try running!

And so you have it - I ran this morning… and it was GREAT! Granted, I ran slower today than I did on the first mile I ever ran when it was California State Law for all fifth graders to complete the mile. But that’s no big whoop; I still tried! Not only did I feel drunk, I know I looked drunk because I zigzagged from side to side. But who cares because I did it - wow!

Okay, my body’s now telling my self that it’s time for a nap.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Seven Week Anniversary

I’ve retreated back to the mountains for some sunshine, rest and quiet! After three days in the noisy, foggy city for my sister’s baby shower, I am exhausted and feel like I have jetlag. It was wonderful to be home although old habits die hard; I simply tried to cram too much in. I was running on fumes and adrenalin, wishing for the energy I was privileged with before June 16th. Again the long road of recovery humbles me. I’ll just have to Carpe Diem in my own new post-op kind of way. Today is my seven-week anniversary (yes, I’m counting weeks now instead of days) and I can actually start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My face is still improving every day, which, to me, is nothing short of a miracle. I’m extremely optimistic that, in due time, the rest of it will recovery as well (my eye will close when I sleep, taste will come back, my left eye will tear when I cry… and if not, it’ll be my party trick).

I’m still learning to cope with being deaf on one side but have figured out that turning my good ear, like an old fashion ear trumpet, truly helps. The tinnitus is brutal because it never really stops ringing or swishing – but, again, I’m sure that’ll continue to heel as everything adjusts, and I’ll have peace and quiet again one day. I do have an appointment next week at Stanford to find out if I retained any hearing and what my options are in terms of a hearing aid. Fingers crossed!

The vertigo is its own beast - I feel like I’m drunk all of the time and trying to keep from falling over. When I get too tired, I have to use my arms to help guide me. Because I have already noticed improvements, I’m confident that this will continue to recover as the right side gets used to taking care of the left.

Luckily, unlike Cousin Eddie, my titanium plate doesn’t inhibit me from getting too close to the microwave. (Chevy Chase’s Christmas Vacation anyone?)

Rumor has it that the cost of surgery is going to be $250k +/-. Guess I don’t have a million dollar smile, but I'm happy with a quarter million dollar smile… even if it does veer to the right.

Thank you for supporting me and getting me to today. Seven weeks ago I would not have thought it possible, but you reminded me that it was. And here I am, ear trumpet and all!